| DOE-HDBK-3012-96
Each TM should sign the final report indication his/her concurrence with the
conclusions of the ORR in his/her area of responsibility or review.
If a TM has a dissenting opinion, refer to DOE-STD-3006-95, Planning and
Conduct of Operational Readiness Reviews, for guidance.
Detailed guidance for the preparation of the final report is contained in sections 5.5
and 5.9.3 of the ORR Standard.
Ensure that all ORR files that may be needed in the future are maintained in one
location as determined by the DOE line management for the site.
The completion of the ORR, and the finalizing of the report do not signify the end of
the ORR process. Several actions may require the participation of the TL including
briefings, interpretations and possible defense of findings, review of action plans,
and review of finding closure plans. Additional guidance can be found in section 5.7
of the ORR Standard.
Finding Closure and Team Follow-up:
Team members may be called upon to assist the TL in several ways including
briefings, finding interpretation, review of action plans, or review of finding closure.
The TL will notify team members when such assistance will be needed. Section 5.7
of the ORR Standard provides additional discussion concerning post-ORR activities.
Draft thank-you letters to site for TLs signature.
Collect, condense, index, and file pertinent ORR information to include:
a. all correspondence related to the ORR;
b. all final Form 1s and Form 2s signed by the inspector and TL;
c. the Evolution and Interview List and schedule;
d. the approved Plan of Action;
e. the approved Implementation Plan; and
f. the approved Final Report with all signatures from the team members and TL;
g. facility basis documentation.
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