| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1130-98
Module 4: ALARA Program
Instructor's Notes
B. Responsibilities for the ALARA Program
EO3 Identify the
The individual radiological worker is ultimately
responsibilities of
responsible for maintaining his/her radiation dose
Management, the
ALARA. However, management and Radiological
Radiological Control
Control personnel also play an important role in the
Organization, and the
ALARA program. The following are some of the
radiological worker in the
responsibilities of the three groups:
ALARA Program.
(Insert facility-specific information.)
Radiological Control Organization
(Insert facility-specific information.)
Radiological workers
Each radiological worker is expected to demonstrate
responsibility and accountability. This is
accomplished through an informed, disciplined, and
cautious attitude toward radiation and radioactivity.
(Insert facility-specific information.)
External and Internal Radiation Dose Reduction
Engineering controls should be the primary method
to control exposure (e.g., enclosed hoods).
Administrative controls is the next method to control
exposures (e.g., postings). Personnel protective
equipment is the last method (e.g., respirators).
Basic protective measures used to minimize external
dose include:
Minimizing time in radiation areas
Maximizing the distance from a source of radiation
Using shielding whenever possible
Reducing the amount of radioactive material (source
EO4 Identify methods for
Methods for minimizing time
reducing external and
internal radiation dose.
Reducing the time spent in a field of radiation will
lower the dose received by the workers.
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