| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1001-96
Auditable records of each individual's participation and performance in or exception(s) granted from
the training program(s) (instructional and technical as appropriate) should be maintained. Individual
training records should include the following (as appropriate):
Verified education, experience, employment history, and most recent health evaluation
Training programs completed and qualification(s) achieved
Latest completed checklists, graded written examinations (with answers corrected as
necessary or examination keys) and operational evaluations used for qualification (this
requires controlled access to training records to maintain examination security)
Lists of questions asked and the examiner's overall evaluation of responses on oral
Correspondence relating to exceptions granted to training requirements (including justification
and approval)
Records of qualification for one-time-only special tests or operations
Attendance records for required training courses or sessions.
A historical record that documents initial qualification on each position qualified should be maintained
as part of individual training records. For example, if an instructor is initially qualified in 1986, the
record should contain the date and name of the qualification. If more than one qualification is
achieved and maintained, the individual training record should contain documentation to that effect.
Completed examinations, checklists, operational evaluations, etc., for presently held technical
qualification(s) should be maintained in the record. (Some facilities may prefer to maintain a
separate file of completed examinations with answer keys for each individual.) When an individual
holds qualification in multiple positions, records that support current qualifications for each position
should be maintained. Duty area or task qualification should be documented using a similar method
(for facilities that use duty area or task qualification instead of position qualification). Functional
supervisors should have access to qualification records, as necessary, to support the assignment of
work to qualified personnel.
Upon requalification, records that support the previous technical qualification may be removed from
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