| DOE-HDBK-1002-96
3.4 Prerequisite Training
All areas that are applicable to the facility should be included in the facility training program.
Instruction should be given in the following areas prior to a trainee being assigned to work in
the facility:
Site or facility layout
Interdepartment functions and responsibilities
Facility or building indoctrination
Facility communications
Facility quality program
Industrial safety
Nuclear safety
Nuclear material safeguards
Hazardous waste operations and emergency response
Hazardous waste facility training
Hazardous communications
Hazardous material handling
Hazardous material safety
Hazard communications laboratory standard
Fire safety
Emergency response and alarm recognition
Radiation safety
Radiation worker
Contamination control
Personnel radiation monitoring devices
Personal protective clothing
Security indoctrination
Respirator indoctrination
Respirator and self-contained breathing apparatus training.
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