| DOE-HDBK-1002-96
3.5 Training
The operating contractor is responsible for training personnel who work within their facility, for
establishing written procedures which clearly define qualification requirements for personnel in
each functional level, and for documenting and periodically reviewing all training activities.
Initial and continuing training programs should be developed and implemented to ensure that
operating organization personnel are qualified to perform job requirements. This should be
achieved using a systematic approach to training.
Training to support qualification programs should be conducted commensurate with the results
of the position job analysis. Because of varied complexity and scope of job functions, the
degree of analysis necessary to determine the skill and knowledge requirements may vary.
For example, a job analysis should be conducted for operations personnel, whereas a less
formal assessment of training needs may be appropriate for technical staff personnel. Results
should be compared with these good practices to ensure that training programs include the
knowledge and skills necessary for the incumbent to perform his/her assigned tasks.
3.6 Subcontractor Personnel
The operating contractor is responsible for establishing qualification criteria for subcontractor
personnel who work in the operating organization.
Training for temporary employees and subcontracted services personnel should be consistent
with the duties being assigned. These personnel should be qualified for the task they will be
performing or should be directly supervised by a person qualified to perform the task.
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