| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1002-96
1.1 Purpose
This guide provides recommended education, experience, and training requirements for
chemical operators. It is intended that the training identified by this guide develop an
awareness of the impact chemical operations activities have on personal safety, facility safety,
facility reliability, and the potential impact on facility conditions and operation.
Chemical operations department organizations, disciplines, titles, and responsibilities vary
among DOE nuclear facilities. Therefore, portions of the programs outlined in this guide may
not be applicable in all cases. DOE nuclear facilities should identify the pertinent subject
matter applicable to their facility for all classifications of chemical operators and determine
whether it should be included in the training program.
1.2 Background
This guide is based on industry best practices compiled from a DOE-wide informal analysis of
chemical operator duties combined with input from DOE chemical operators, chemical
operator trainers, training managers, and a task team made up of facility representatives. By
modifying these good practices to facility-specific situations, users may develop training
programs for each discipline. These programs should be logically sequenced and
1.3 Application
The content of this guide is generally applicable to all DOE reactor and nonreactor nuclear
facilities with the exception of those topics which relate specifically to reactor activities.
Portions of the programs outlined may not be applicable to all facilities because chemical
operator disciplines, titles, and responsibilities vary among DOE reactor and nonreactor
nuclear facilities. Facility training personnel can validate or improve existing training programs
by adapting this guide to their specific facility and individual chemical operator disciplines.
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