| DOE-HDBK-1003-96
6.1 Introduction
Continuing training needs should be identified from job analysis information and the results of
ongoing training program evaluation. Evaluation ensures that the training program is current and
relevant and that job performance does not degrade.
6.2 Facility-Specific Systems Training
Facility-specific systems training provides an understanding of overall facility operations. Since much
of this subject matter is not reinforced by direct use, a biennial training schedule is recommended.
As a minimum, safety-related systems identified in the facility Safety Analysis Report should be
included. Lectures or self-study are methods of presenting the material. Written examinations,
similar in difficulty and scope to initial examinations, should be administered in accordance with
Section 5, Trainee Evaluation.
6.3 Fundamentals Training
The fundamentals continuing training program should maintain and improve technical skills and
knowledge. Since basic technical knowledge as well as specialized technical knowledge could be
lacking when infrequently repaired or newly supplied equipment breaks down, fundamentals
instruction should be provided on a continuing basis.
Written examinations, similar in difficulty and scope to initial examinations, should be administered in
accordance with Section 5, Trainee Evaluation.
6.4 Special Training
Special training should be provided to address seldom-used skills, observed problems, or anticipated
training needs. Infrequently performed tasks should be evaluated to determine if training is needed.
Task difficulty, importance to facility safety and reliability, and As Low As Reasonably Achievable
(ALARA) should be used to help determine training needs and required depth of coverage. Written
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