| DOE-HDBK-1003-96
OJT is designed to prepare employees for job performance through one-on-one training and
performance testing that is conducted by qualified OJT instructors in the actual work environment. It
provides hands-on experience, and has the advantage of providing training for tasks that are of
immediate need to the employee. OJT is limited to those situations where it is administratively and
physically possible to conduct the training (i.e., where facilities are adequate, where OJT can be
conducted without significant interference with facility operations, and where qualified personnel are
available to conduct and manage the OJT program).
All on-the-job training programs at DOE facilities should be based on a systematic approach to
training. For further guidance on developing, implementing, and evaluating an OJT program, refer to
DOE-STD-1012-92 Guide to Good Practices for On-the-Job Training.
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