| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1074-95
6.6.6 Comprehensive Training Program Evaluation
A comprehensive training program evaluation should be conducted
periodically to identify significant program strengths and weaknesses.
This evaluation should cover all aspects of the training program,
including subcontracted training, and should be used to identify
deficiencies and/or strengths in specific training programs and the
overall training program infrastructure. DOE-STD-1070-94, Guidelines
for Evaluation of Nuclear Facility Training Programs, provides
objectives and criteria for conducting comprehensive training program
The facility should describe the process(es) used for evaluation and initiation
of corrective actions in a procedure or similar document. This document
should identify areas of evaluation, the frequency of evaluations, and the
process by which required changes are determined, approved, tracked, and
implemented. The results of training evaluations should be documented.
This documentation may range from a letter to line management at a low-
hazard facility to detailed survey forms and analyses of evaluation results at
higher-hazard facilities.
6.7.1 Approval and Tracking of Changes/Improvements
Changes which result from evaluations should be reviewed, approved,
and documented. This process adds assurance that only required
changes are made to the program and that the changes are approved
by training and line management.
6.7.2 Updating Analysis Data
To maintain the effectiveness of training programs, job analysis data
must be kept current. During evaluations, training deficiencies,
additional learner needs, or additional tasks required for job
performance may be identified. Analysis data should be revised to
reflect new information that is gained from evaluation activities.
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