| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1074-95
After the trainee has practiced performing the task, a performance evaluation is
conducted. A successful practice does not count as an OJT evaluation. The OJT
evaluation is a separate activity.
Ensure the trainee has completed all prerequisite training.
Ensure that the materials required to perform the procedure/JPM (or
equivalent) are on hand and available for use.
Before administering the performance evaluation, discuss the "Performance
Evaluation Instructions" with the trainee. Provide a copy of the evaluation
instructions as a reference. Review the initial conditions for the
procedure/JPM with the trainee.
Review the criteria for passing the performance evaluation. The evaluator
and the trainee must clearly understand what is expected.
The standard of acceptable performance may be written in the JPM, implied
in the action statement, or stated in the procedure. The trainee is expected
to perform the steps of the task in sequence unless the JPM indicates
differently. Document trainee performance deficiencies on the JPM.
If a knowledge question is linked directly to a procedural step, ask the
question before moving on to the next step. If it is not linked, ask the listed
questions prior to or at the completion of the procedure/skills portion of the
JPM. Compare the trainee's answer with the expected answer from the JPM,
mark each question as "Satisfactory" or "Unsatisfactory" and briefly record
the trainee's answer if the response was unsatisfactory.
Terminate the performance evaluation if the trainee's actions may result in
danger to personnel or damage to equipment or the environment. Do not
allow the trainee to commit an unsafe act. Intervene immediately to prevent
or stop unsafe performance. The evaluator is fully responsible for the trainee
and is required to take control of systems/equipment during an emergency.
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