| DOE-HDBK-1074-95
provides reasonable assurance that the knowledge and skills
essential to job performance are mastered by the trainees after
training. Continuing training is designed to maintain and
enhance job performance. Elements of continuing training
should include facility changes, changes to the scope of tasks,
procedure changes, facility and industry operating experience,
training to correct observed performance deficiencies, changing
regulations, over-train tasks from the job analysis, and other
information that requires periodic refresher training (e.g.,
selected fundamental topics).
The design of the courses and lessons in the curriculum
promotes the application of knowledge and skills to the
applicable job performance level.
Observable and measurable enabling learning objectives which
support the terminal learning objectives are written based on
job performance requirements.
Training is designed such that actual job performance
requirements, conditions, and standards are replicated to the
extent practical.
Testing and performance evaluation requirements and
limitations are determined.
Products of Design
The products that typically result from training design include the following:
A training program description that explains and documents the
elements of the training and qualification program. A curriculum
outline (structure) for the sequencing of initial and continuing training
is used in developing the training program description.
Requirements (specifications) for each unit of training, including
sequencing of learning objectives, designation of training settings and
techniques, and associated testing requirements.
A training development plan.
Training design products guide the development of all program-specific
training materials and strategies. A curriculum outline is developed to
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