| DOE-HDBK-1076-94
task list be professional looking and user friendly. The physical layout and appearance of
the format adopted can do much to create a favorable impression for those who use the
task list. Once the design is chosen, it should be used for all of the facility's table top
Once the task list with the tasks selected for training is printed, the team members
should review the tasks and their selections one last time. When the review is complete
the team should document their participation in the process approval of the task list. In
addition to the team members, an empowered member of the instructional staff should
also review and approve of the task list.
The final review should be made by facility management. A cognizant manager should
approve the list showing management buy-in to the process and demonstrating their
These reviews close out this job analysis process, with the result being a self-validated
task list with tasks selected for training. With proper coordination between management,
the recorder, the instructional staff, and the team, the review and approval process can be
an integral part of the session.
determine training program content. The task list will facilitate this activity. A table top
team can be used in order to identify:
the steps/activities involved
the related knowledge required
the attitudes involved
the performance standards expected
the tools and materials needed
the entry-level criteria
and the safety concerns.
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