| ![]() Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Lesson Title: Maximizing Team Effectiveness
Page 12 of 13
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
B. Consensus Decision-Making
During the subsequent discussion
to clarify statements or combine
items as applicable, be an
effective team member by doing the
1. Help others formulate their
statements. This means:
Help write the task at the
appropriate level
Help begin all task
statements with an action
Help apply applicable
2. Present your ideas as lucidly
and logically as possible, but
avoid arguing for your
EXPLAIN that the
position. Listen to the other
noisemakers and
members' reactions and consider
toys can be light-
them carefully.
hearted tools to
help keep
3. Empower yourselves to keep the
discussions on
consensus decision-making
process useful. If someone
begins dominating, any team
member has the right to call
"time out" and get the
discussion back on track.
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