| ![]() familiarity with all aspects of the job. They must be technically competent
and perceived as "role models"
for proper job performance. They must be highly skilled and knowledge-
able regarding the tasks required to perform the job, and aware of
current developments such as new procedures, new equipment, as well as
facility and industry "lessons learned." Many years of employment does
not necessarily qualify a person as a competent TTJA member.
As applicable, engineers should be selected based on their knowledge of
how the facility systems are designed and should be operated. They
must also be familiar with the tasks involved in the job position being
analyzed and have a good working relationship with the job incumbents.
If the TTJA seminar is being conducted for a job that is performed in
more than one facility at a site, then you might want to consider broader-
based "job representativeness" as an additional selection criterion. For
example, the Health Physics Technician job position is common in the
DOE community. If TTJA is being conducted at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory for the Health Physics Technician job, then the team might
consist of representatives from Y-12, X-10, K-25, etc. (assuming one
master task list for this job position will be used throughout ORNL).
Additionally, if two or more DOE sites choose to save money by sharing
a task list for a common job position, the TTJA team might also have
representatives from Paducah and Portsmouth.
Supervisor Qualifications
Supervisors should be those who
1. Directly supervise the job
directly supervise the job
incumbents who perform the
incumbents performing the job
job being analyzed
being analyzed. Supervisors who
2. Recent practitioner-level
have had recent practitioner-level
experience in the job
experience in the job can provide
3. Good working relationship
useful insights into the job being
with job incumbents serving
analyzed and can provide
on team
continuity to the process since
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: November 3, 1994
Coordinator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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