| ![]() performing that task. "Operate the primary coolant system" may be at
too high a level, especially in a complex facility, because each step
involved in operating that system (e.g., "start-up the system," "maintain
the system in steady-state," "shut-down the system," etc.) would
themselves be so complex that they should be considered the tasks.
Perhaps in a smaller facility with few components involved in the system
the task "operate the xyz system" would be written at an appropriate
level. Typically, "operate" is not a good verb to use in a task statement
unless it is an actual occupational task (e.g., a warehouse worker whose
job does not involve many tasks might have the task "operate a
You must be an expert at writing good task statements and recognizing
the appropriate task "level" in order to guide the team. You must help
them apply the criteria for tasks and criteria for task statements.
Have Team Members Identify the Tasks
To identify the tasks performed within each duty area, employ a
combination of Nominal Group Technique (NGT), procedural review,
Using Nominal
and verification analysis. We suggest the use of pure NGT
Group Technique and
(brainstorming without referring to existing materials) to begin with,
consensus decision-
until the team establishes a consistent level at which to write task
making techniques,
statements. (Otherwise, since most procedures and other documents are
have team members
written at inconsistent levels, the team may become confused and
identify the tasks by:
- brainstorming
frustrated.) Once the team feels comfortable with identifying tasks at a
- looking at the
consistent level, allow them to use the available job information--
procedures, existing task lists, and other materials relevant to the job
- verification
position--AS they do their NGT to identify the tasks involved in the job.
analysis (using an
The order in which you use these processes (brainstorming followed by
existing task list)
procedural review or vice-versa) is left to your discretion as the
Facilitator. Because you will have reviewed the available job
information prior to the seminar, you will know which method(s) will be
most efficient and result in the most accurate task list.
The first duty area in which you focus attention should be an area
Start with a duty area
wherein the tasks are fairly easy to delineate. Use NGT to have team
in which the tasks
members identify the tasks within this duty area.
will be easy to
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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