| ![]() Technique: As you conduct the round robin to obtain their input, write
their task statements on the flipchart, alternating with two different color
markers. Use the "color-coded circles and cross-throughs" technique
Focus on identifying
(refer to Step 3) as you gain consensus on which suggestions are the
tasks for one duty
actual task statements and which information should be crossed off
area at a time; do not
sequence tasks at this
because of each task statement. Also, MAKE SURE the task statement
reflects the duty area. For example, suppose there are duty areas such
as "hazardous waste handling," "radiological waste handling," and
"industrial waste." Within each of these duty areas there may be the
task of "pick up waste." To reflect the duty area, the task statements
should say "pick up hazardous waste" and "pick up radiological waste"
rather than having two pages saying "pick up waste." This is important
because later in the process (both in the TTJA seminar and subsequent
SAT processes), when the task pages get separated from the duty area
pages, the intent of the task statement needs to be very clear.
As you obtain group consensus on task statements, write each task statement
horizontally on a white sheet of 8-1/2" x 11" paper. Use the same guidelines for the
size of letters as described for duty areas. Use one color marker to write each task page
in one row, but use a different color marker for each row. Post the pages next to the
applicable duty area, horizontally across the wall.
Co-Facilitator: As the team reaches consensus on a task (indicated by
the "circled" items on the flipchart), write each task statement on a
separate page and post it on the wall. Also, begin typing the "task
content" document (refer to Segment 3, Appendix A, for example). This
document shows each task and its associated "folded-in" items (as
indicated by the color-coded crossed-out items on the flipchart). This
information serves as some of the task content information that will be
very useful during the design phase of SAT, so you need to document it
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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