| ![]() Once the members have identified all of the tasks for the first duty area,
determine if the team is ready to move to another. Breaks should be
Take breaks between
taken between the identification of tasks for a duty area. (Do not take a
duty areas
break while listing tasks for a duty area.) Guide the team in selecting
the next duty area to analyze, which should have similar tasks to the one
that was just completed. It is easy for the team to bog down if it
switches from procedural tasks to analytical or problem-solving tasks.
After you have demonstrated this process for the first two duty areas,
have the observers take turns facilitating the identification of tasks for
Allow observers to
the remaining duty areas. Provide non-threatening critique and guidance
practice facilitating
as necessary.
Continue this process until the group has delineated the tasks for all duty
areas. Because this stage of the TTJA process is the most time
consuming, it can tax everyone's endurance, patience, and adherence to the
process. As long as you remain highly motivated and dedicated to the
process, the team is likely to remain so, as well.
If the team members feel that a task is completed by their occupation, you
must include it on the wall. You must agree with all decisions that are
reached consensually. The team members are the experts, and it is they
who must discuss, debate, and occasionally even argue about what is really
important to their jobs. In all decisions regarding the tasks involved in the
job, the team members must be given the authority to decide.
The skill of the team members to identify task statements accurately and
precisely should improve as they advance from duty area to duty area.
Repeat the statement as it is worded and ask the team members the
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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