| ![]() Job analysis results in a valid task list which serves as the basis for objectives
that job incumbents learn and perform in a formal training program. This
Learning objectives
analysis ensures that job incumbents learn exactly what is needed to perform
and evaluations are
their jobs safely and competently without spending too much time in training
based on the task list,
(learning things irrelevant to their job) or too little time in training (not
so training is effective
learning everything they need to know, or not having their performance of
and efficient
tasks evaluated before working in the field). Basing a training program on a
valid task list leads to more productive, safe, and competent job
Table-top job analysis
includes a team of
subject matter experts
(SMEs) and a
supervisor that meets in
a workshop to identify
a list of tasks performed
in a specific job and to
determine which of
those tasks should be
included in the formal
training program. A
Facilitator guides the
team through the
process and writes and
The end product of
posts the task
TTJA is a valid task
statements on a wall or
list with tasks
other easy-to-see surface. The end product of the seminar will be a valid
selected for training
list of tasks selected for training for that one job position.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: November 3, 1994
Coordinator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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