| ![]() The 3-day TTJA seminar
TTJA Steps
includes a 1/2-day "training
portion" (participants learn the
Orient team (training portion)
TTJA terms and steps) and
Review job
Identify duty areas
2-1/2 days of "workshop"
Identify tasks
(participants apply what they
Sequence tasks and duty areas
learned as they perform each
Select tasks for training
TTJA step).
TTJA is usually conducted for one job position at a time. A job
position involves all the activities assigned to one individual. Numerous
individuals may be employed with the same job position (though not
necessarily the same job title).
Examples of job positions include:
Health Physics Technicians
Chemistry Technicians
Reactor Operators
Tank Farm Operators
Distribution and Inspection Operators
Hazardous Waste Management Technicians
The people who would be involved in a given TTJA session would be
those SMEs and a supervisor who are familiar with the specific job
position being analyzed. The SMEs would include job incumbents and/
or engineers who understand the design of facility systems (as appli-
cable). Depending on the job, SMEs from similar facilities might also
participate. For example, if you want to base a "Health Physics Tech-
nician" training program on a valid task list, you would invite 2-4 Health
Physics Technicians, 1 of their immediate supervisors, and, as appli-
cable, 1-2 other facility Health Physics SMEs to participate in the TTJA
seminar. You would not want to invite 1 Health Physics Technician,
1 Chemistry Technician, and 1 Reactor Operator to participate as team
members in one TTJA seminar. These are very different jobs, so the
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: November 3, 1994
Coordinator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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