| ![]() How should you perform each step of the TTJA process?
Read the information about the TTJA steps. The Facilitator and Co-
Facilitator are very active throughout the entire seminar and must
effectively work together, sometimes switching roles from "lead" to "co"
Use Segment 5 as
your job aid when
Facilitator. The italic print throughout this segment will denote the
actually performing
activities of the Co-Facilitator. Segment 5, the Facilitator Checklist for
the steps
Conducting TTJA, summarizes the key information you should convey and
actions you should take as you conduct the TTJA workshop. Use this
segment as your self-study to learn each step.
Teach Lessons
Briefly review the
The orientation step is one of the most important steps of the process. The
"big picture" each
orientation must be well done to help participants be able to apply the terms
and concepts in the TTJA process. The lessons provided in Attachments 1-
3 are carefully designed to fulfill the requirements of a "well-done"
orientation. By teaching those lessons, you have completed this step. Each
morning, it is good idea for you to briefly review the "big picture" in terms
of where you are in the TTJA process and how the results (the task list) will
be used after the seminar.
Prepare for Workshop
When you have finished teaching the lessons, you will need to take a break
to set up the room for the workshop. The picture on the next page shows a
standard room set-up when analyzing one job position.
If you are conducting analyses for two different job positions
simultaneously, the room would need to be much larger. In that case, you
would still set up the room as shown in the picture, but you would
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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