| ![]() "Facilitator" and "Co-Facilitator." Facilitators must have technical
expertise in conducting job analysis and expertise in the table-top
analysis method. Preferably, Facilitators will be qualified to facilitate
TTJA through training and practical experience. In the context of this 3-
day seminar, the Facilitators must also possess strong instructional skills
in order to teach the lessons on the first day dealing with TTJA, nominal
group technique, and consensus decison-making.
A successful TTJA seminar hinges on the Facilitator's succesful use of
(a) interpersonal skills, (b) special facilitating skills, and (c) expertise in
the entire Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) process.
Interpersonal Skills Needed by Facilitator
- a sensitivity to others
- the ability to establish and
- a sense of humor
maintain enthusiasm -
the ability to make decisions
- patience
- excellent listening skills
- the ability to display and
- the ability to display warmth
maintain a positive image
and establish rapport quickly
- a high degree of sensitivity
with team members
to both verbal and nonverbal
- the ability to motivate,
encourage, and focus team
- excellent memory
Special Skills Required of TTJA Facilitators
expertise in job analysis processes
expertise in the table-top analysis method
skill in questioning techniques
the ability to act as a process expert who leads and controls the
process but allows team members to act as content experts who
make content judgments and decisions
skill in small-group dynamics
skill in obtaining small-group consensus
the ability to establish and maintain the team's pace, balance, and
the ability to recognize vague statements and help the team select the
most appropriate action verbs, task statement modifiers, and nouns
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: November 3, 1994
Coordinator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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