| DOE-HDBK-1076-94
Much of the material that is included in the addendums is taken directly from
courseware used to facilitate TTJA sessions at facilities.
Addendum A is a Coordinator Guide. The Coordinator Guide is a self-study instrument
designed to facilitate TTJA coordination. It includes information and recommendations to
assist the person designated as Coordinator in scheduling and planning of a TTJA seminar.
Time guidelines and recommended timelines for various events are included to assist the
Coordinator. Self-checks are provided throughout the document to help ensure
understanding of the process.
Addendum B is a Facilitator Guide. It also is a self-study guide for the appointed
Facilitator. Prospective facilitators will get the information they need to perform their
duties as facilitators with the guide. The Facilitator Guide also contains lesson plans
associated with the orientation process. Training aids are not provided, since this
addendum is for reference only.
Addendum C is a verb list that can be used when writing task statements.
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