? Ask for definition of "duty area"
? Ask how many duty areas are typically involved in a job (5-12)
? Ask for examples of how duty areas can be grouped (systems, location,
components, procedures, other)
Have team select the most appropriate way to group duty areas for this job
Refer team to previous analyses (in "Workshop" section of Participant
Manual) to get ideas
-- Keep in mind how the duty areas will impact the ability to write tasks at an
appropriate level
Use Nominal Group Technique to have team identify duty areas
-- Have each team member silently generate a list of duty areas
During round robin, write their suggestions on flipchart, alternating lines with
two different color markers
-- Provide guidance and reassurance
Have team briefly determine if duty areas should be combined or modified
Use color coding/cross-through technique to track what gets "folded into" the
final choice
-- Ensure tasks performed under emergency/abnormal conditions will be
encompassed by the duty areas chosen
As group consensus is obtained, write each duty area horizontally on a separate
yellow 8-1/2" x 11" sheet
Post duty area sheets in two vertical columns down center of TTJA wall
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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