STEP 1 - ORIENT TEAM (~4 hr)
Team-teach the lessons using Attachments 1-3
Each morning, briefly review the "big picture" described in the Overview lesson
Prepare for the workshop
Arrange the room
Set up supply table
Check wall surface
Use accelerated learning techniques
-- toys/noisemakers for each participant
-- music
-- refreshments
-- breaks
Have observers move to back of room and read the Facilitator Guide to help
them perform during TTJA Steps 4 and 6.
Remind the person who will be developing the training to take notes during
training-related discussions.
STEP 2 - REVIEW JOB (~15 min.)
Clarify job title(s) and specializations to be analyzed in this seminar
Post job title on white 8-1/2" x 11" paper at top center of TTJA wall
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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