STEP 4 - IDENTIFY TASKS, Cont'd (~10 hr)
As group consensus is reached, write each task statement horizontally on a
white 8-1/2" x 11" sheet
-- Use one color marker to write all tasks for one duty area; use another color
for all tasks in the next duty area, etc.
Type the "task content" document
Post task statements to the right (or left) of the applicable duty area page
Focus on one duty area at a time
Do not spend time sequencing tasks
Take breaks between duty areas
When moving to next duty area, select one with similar tasks as previous area
After you finish the first two duty areas, have an observer conduct this step for
the next duty area
-- Provide non-threatening critique and guidance
Have team compare their task list with the one you developed during preparation
and/or another facility's task list (verification analysis)
In the cover letter, document whether this process occurred
Have team check the number of tasks per duty area; combine or divide duty
areas as necessary
Have team determine if duty area still encompasses all tasks; revise duty area
statement as necessary
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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