| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
This survey is designed to gather information about the
Operator position at
. Its specific purpose is to obtain from you, the job incumbent, information concerning
technical tasks that make up your job. The information collected from this survey will be used by the
Training Department to design training programs which reflect actual job requirements. This is
possible only with your cooperation. Please consider each item listed in the survey, carefully. Your
contribution to this effort is essential. If you have any questions or problems related to this survey
please contact the Training Department. Thank you for your assistance in this effort.
Before beginning this survey, look through the booklet and become familiar with the contents and
all instructions. It is important to review the task inventory and become familiar with it, in order to
make a valid assessment of each task statement.
The survey is divided into two sections:
Section I--Biographical Information--Asks for some information about your
background, general job description, and plant facilities. These descriptions will be used
to sort survey responses into common groups. In the event that clarification of a response
is required, your name is requested. All survey responses will be treated confidentially.
Section II--Task Statements--Contains a listing of specific tasks which may or may not
be part of your particular job. These tasks are grouped by systems or duty areas and related
tasks are kept together to make it easier for you to think about any tasks you perform that
may not have been listed. You are asked to rate each task in terms of its "frequency,"
"importance," and overall "difficulty." These terms are defined in more depth in the
following pages.
Remember that your responses to the items in this survey should reflect what you do when
performing your job as an Operator. If referring to a procedure or reference would assist you in
responding to an item, please feel free to do so, but give your own opinion.
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