| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
analysis is adequate and has resulted in enabling objectives and appropriate
training content. However, visible task analysis information can help to
ensure that key information will not be overlooked when developing training
or performance tests. To aid in this endeavor, forms on which to compile task
analysis information can be very useful when tasks are complex, lengthy, or
unfamiliar to an instructional developer. There are a variety of forms available
that will satisfy the user's needs. Attachment 13, "TES Development
Worksheet" is a form that will not only provide space to collect key elements
and KSAs but also provides space to identify KSAs as entry-level and write
enabling objectives.
Begin by listing all of the task elements on Attachment 13. If an adequate
procedure exists for the task, it may not be necessary to list the element
description on the worksheet. In this case, it would be appropriate to list the
element number from the procedure. If it is determined that, due to testing
constraints, complete duplication of the task in the TES performance test is
unrealistic, then the elements of the task should be examined. Elements that
include important decision points can be used to measure successful
performance of the entire task. Those key elements would then be listed on
the worksheet.
3.2.3 Identify Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities (KSAs). Using the list of all task
elements, it is now necessary identify the KSAs required to perform those
elements. Attachment 15, "Completed TES Development Worksheet"
provides an example of how the TES Worksheet may be used to record this
3.2.4 Determine Entry-Level Requirements. In every training program, the
entry-level KSAs of the trainee must be considered. By properly establishing
the entry-level requirements, new learning will be based upon what the
trainees already know, and the trainees will not be wasting time on objectives
they have already mastered.
The entry-level requirements should be based on a familiarity with the general
level of KSAs of the trainees, and by a careful review of documents such as
job descriptions, position descriptions, or personnel qualification
requirements. The entry-level requirement should be set at a point where
most trainees have the required KSAs. Any required KSAs that the trainees
do not possess upon entry will have to be taught as part of the overall training
program. Remedial lessons may be necessary for those trainees who do not
meet the entry-level requirements.
One way to determine entry-level is to develop and administer an entry-level
test. This test can determine if personnel meet the entry-level requirements,
and serves to focus the training at the appropriate level. This can be
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