| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
Is it appropriate to expected trainee entry-level skills and knowledge?
Does it cover the learning objectives?
Is it consistent with learning activities?
Is it compatible with the Training Development and Administration
Guide for the program?
The review and analysis of existing course material will identify materials to
be rejected, materials to be accepted without revision, and materials to be
revised. The materials that are suitable without revision should be
incorporated into the development process. Material needing revision should
be modified as described in the following section.
4.3.3 Modify Existing Training Materials. Modifying existing training materials
can minimize development time and conserve resources. The modification
process can involve two approaches: revision of existing training materials
that are free of copyright restrictions, or preparation of supplementary
material for training materials under copyright restrictions. Modification
should be considered when existing materials are incomplete or minor changes
are needed. For example:
Additional information is needed to meet the requirements of the
learning objectives and learning activities;
Minor modifications to facility systems, equipment, and/or procedures
require an update or change;
Minor changes in regulations require an update or change;
Industry operating and maintenance experiences necessitate a minor
update or change; and
Existing materials that are incomplete or require minor modification should be
modified using the following guidelines:
The style and reading level of the modification should be consistent with
the existing materials;
Modifications should be inserted into existing material where needed; and
Some redundancy may be necessary to provide continuity between the
modifications and the existing materials.
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