| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
4.3.4 Develop New Materials. Development of new training materials should be
consistent with the learning objectives and should reflect the learning activities
to ensure that the trainees progress through training in an organized and
efficient manner. Training materials should be developed using guidelines that
are intended to promote learning.
The guidelines include formatting that will ensure ease in trainee use. For
example, charts, graphs, tables, and other illustrations that are effective in
emphasizing key points should be located on a separate page and in close
proximity to related information.
The reading level of training materials should be consistent with the expected
entry-level skills and knowledge of the trainees. Essential information should be
located in the materials, and the trainees should not be referred to other places
for that information.
More than one representation of key or complex information should be included
in the materials. Relating the information in a job context is an effective way to
promote learning. This should include a description of the job environment,
how the information will be applied on the job, and the reasons why it is
important for the trainee to learn the information.
During a training program tryout, data is compiled and evaluated to correct faults and
improve the effectiveness of the lesson plan and training materials. A training program
tryout includes evaluation of training material for technical accuracy as well as
instructional effectiveness. The following steps are performed when conducting a
tryout of the training material:
4.4.1 Select, Train, and Evaluate Instructors. Instructor qualifications were
identified during the design phase. In addition to technical competence,
instructor qualifications should provide oral and written communication
abilities, interpersonal skills, and instructional capabilities. Instructors who do
not meet these established qualifications should be trained in advance.
A continuing training program to upgrade and improve the technical and
instructional capabilities of instructors should be established. Continuing
training and development should be based on periodic evaluation of instructor
performance. Evaluation should include direct observation by a qualified
evaluator during training sessions and should address technical competence,
instructional skills, and overall effectiveness in achieving the learning objectives.
Examples for the evaluation of instructors are contained in "Sample Instructor
Evaluation Form" and "Instructor/Supervisor Evaluation Example"
(Attachments 29 and 30, respectively). Instructors should remain
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