| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
drawn precisely by the instructor. However, the room usually needs to be darkened, which limits eye
contact with the audience and may tire the audience if used for prolonged periods of time. Slides will not
necessarily limit your flexibility to use the chalkboard as long as the instructor is close to the light
switches and is comfortable moving from one medium to the other.
Overhead Transparencies
Overhead transparencies are a practical, inexpensive, and versatile method of displaying information.
Transparencies can be written on like a chalkboard or flip chart, used to construct a chart step-by-step
through the use of overlays, and the overhead projector can be turned off when not in use. The drawbacks
are minor but may include keystoning the image on the screen, blocking the audiences' view by the
projector or the instructor, and occasional difficulties in adjusting transparencies.
The following are some general guidelines for constructing overhead transparencies:
They should be kept simple in detail and word usage.
For most situations, there should be no more than ten lines and at least two minutes should
be allowed for its use. The audience will be confused and frustrated if transparencies are
changed more frequently because it takes twenty to thirty seconds for the audience to focus
on the content.
The transparency should clarify an idea better than speech alone could.
The transparency should present highlights only.
Use large, clear, bold, uncrowded letters and lines.
The lettering should be large enough for all to see easily and stand high enough so that the
lettering at the bottom is not blocked by the audience.
Only use those transparencies that accurately represent the facts; if graphs or charts are used,
analyze them before the presentation so that comments and answers are accurate. Verify that
there are no flaws in the interpretation of the chart.
A contrasting color should be used to highlight only important points.
The transparency should be neatly made and be an accurate representation of the idea to be
The transparency should be sturdy and easy to carry or file.
Handouts can be an effective way of increasing a trainee's learning and retention if careful thought has
been given to their preparation and use. The following are guidelines for the use of handouts:
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