| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
Instructor Outline
Trainee Activity
Note: Perform the role of plant personnel as they
Declare ECCS system inoperable.
are asked for by the shift supervisor or
Control Room operator.
ROLE PLAY: As maintenance foreman, advise
Determine technical specification
the control room that the reason for pump failure
requirements for inoperable
cannot readily be determined, and that trouble-
ECCS pump.
shooting efforts have started.
MALFUNCTION: Activate Malfunction 10-05-
Perform immediate and
0001, Primary Cooling Pump "A" Seal Failure,
subsequent actions for failed
after discussion of TS action requirements.
primary cooling pump seal failure.
OBSERVATION: Observe diagnosis of
Determine primary cooling pump
the primary cooling pump seal failure.
seal failure.
The following symptoms are evident:
Leak detected "Confinement Equip-
ment Drain Flow High" annunciator
Leak detected "Confinement Floor
Drain Flow High" annunciator
Primary cooling pump outer seal
Announce failure to Control
leakage high
Room personnel
Primary cooling pump seal staging
flow high/low.
OBSERVATION: Observe trainees take immediate
Determine seal failure leak rate
and subsequent actions in response to primary
from equipment drain sump pump
cooling pump seal failure as per Plant Proce-
run times and integrator readings.
dures,,, and TS 3/4.3.2
and 3/4.1.1.
Determine Technical Specifications
action requirements for inoperable
primary cooling pump.
ROLE PLAY: As plant equipment operator, advise
Secure the malfunctioning
as to the Control Room pump seal leak rate.
primary cooling pump and isolate
the pump; verify leakage has
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