| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
decisions will be made at this point that will determine the amount of time and
resources that will be dedicated to subsequent activities.
Selection or deselection of tasks for training should be based primarily on the
results of the job analysis. Care should be taken to ensure that training needs
are considered and training requirements, originating from regulatory sources,
are included.
The purpose of a Task-to-Training Matrix (TTM) is to provide one document that can
be used to guide the maintenance of a training program. It provides a ready reference
for evaluating the impact of procedure changes, criteria for selecting tasks for training,
updated technical information, revised learning objectives, etc. The matrix should
contain information for all tasks, whether selected for training or not. All related
training and reference material should be included for the tasks selected for training.
Tasks not selected for training should be listed in a separate section of the matrix and
should include only related reference material. For new training programs, the matrix
should be initiated following collection of job analysis data. As the later phases of the
SAT are completed, additional information should be identified for inclusion into the
matrix. For existing training programs, the TTM should be completed for all
applicable training material (initial and continuing) and related references. This
information provides the basis for analysis of existing training materials. Attachment
6, "Task-to-Training Matrix" provides an example.
At this point in the analysis phase, a comparison of existing training materials should
be conducted. This is best accomplished using a committee made up of at least three
SMEs and one or two knowledgeable people from the training organization. Existing
lesson plans, lesson guides, OJT guides, and test questions, etc., should be compared
to the criteria included in the process discussed in Section 3 of this Handbook to
ascertain whether the existing materials are adequate.
2.5.1 Using the list of tasks selected for training, and the applicable operating
procedures, review existing training materials for the following:
Training material exists that addresses the tasks identified for training;
Terminal objectives are included and are accurate and consistent with
the task statement;
Standards for qualification are consistent with the terminal objectives;
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