| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
included on the questionnaire. Attachment 4 is a questionnaire example
that may be used.
2.2.6 Select the Survey Sample and Conduct the Survey. Questionnaires should
be administered to a representative sample of the overall group, division, or
department to ensure validity of response information. Considerations to be
made concerning number and types of survey respondents include experience
of the job incumbents, availability, and restrictions imposed by operational or
production requirements. Qualified supervisors should be included in the
survey. The survey sample size should be as large as possible to assure a
representative sample of the prospective work group population.
2.2.7 Analyze the Survey Results. Survey results are compiled and analyzed by the
training organization. As a minimum, the reported results should contain the
Frequency of task performance;
Importance (consequences of inadequate performance);
Difficulty of task performance; and
All additional tasks, identified by survey respondents, that were not
included in the initial survey.
Any differences between supervisor responses and job incumbent responses are
resolved during the analysis of the data. Differences may occur because of the
different perspectives of the respondents and the emphasis each group places on
individual tasks. Large deviations in numerical responses to individual tasks
should also be investigated during this analysis. It is helpful to compile the
results of the questionnaires on a form similar to "Job Analysis Tabulation"
(Attachment 5). Data entered on this form are the numerical averages from all
returned questionnaires (excluding supervisors). Data from the averages of the
supervisor questionnaires are used to help determine the validity of the survey.
Survey results can be compiled by hand or by use of a computerized data
base management system. Several software systems are readily available if
a computer system is used. Before the responses are entered into the data
base, each returned questionnaire should be checked to identify any
problems that might invalidate responses. Upon completion of data entry,
the survey data can be analyzed as desired for the overall ratings of each
scale for each task. These results can then be used to determine which
tasks, if any, are selected for detailed analysis.
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