| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
The job is broken down into duty areas that are part of the job
Initial task lists are developed; and
Task statements are written to describe individual tasks.
Duty areas are groups of tasks that constitute a major subdivision of a job.
They integrate specific knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the job. An
example of a duty area for a reactor operator may be "the emergency core
cooling system;" for a cascade operator, "the cascade compressor lubricating
oil system;" and for a hot cell operator, "the cell ventilation system."
Examples of tasks for the above duty areas are "Start up the emergency core
cooling pump;" "Shift, inspect, and clean the lubricating oil strainers;" and
"Align the ventilation system for negative cell pressure," respectively.
Task statements should be written such that they are clear, complete, concise,
relevant, and stated at a consistent level. "Guidelines for Writing Task State-
ments" (Attachment 2) is a guide for preparing task statements and provides
examples of "dos" and "don'ts" for task statement development.
2.2.4 Validate the Task Listing. Validation of the initial task list can be
accomplished in numerous ways. A tabletop discussion using three or four
SMEs, job-qualified employees, and supervisors can provide reasonable
assurance that the initial task listing is accurate. Interviewing a limited
number of job incumbents may also be an appropriate method. The primary
concerns of the validation process are to ensure that:
All tasks performed are included on the task list;
The task statements accurately describe the tasks; and
Only those tasks associated with the job are included on the task list.
2.2.5 Prepare the Survey Questionnaire. Questionnaires are prepared for
distribution to job incumbents. They are used to verify the accuracy and
validity of the initial task list and identify which tasks will be selected for
training. Each questionnaire includes appropriate instructions for filling out
the form; a section for demographic information (personnel data); task
listings appropriately grouped by functional duty areas; rating scales
designed to gather information regarding the characteristics of each task;
and a listing of the tools, equipment, and references for task performance.
The job incumbent is asked during the survey to assign ratings in the
following categories: Task Importance, Task Difficulty, and Task Fre-
quency. The rating system is based on the criteria contained in "Task
Rating System" (Attachment 3). Clear, complete instructions should be
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