| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1080-97
The board member's signature on the grade sheet signifies that the member participated in
the examination of the trainee, and that in their opinion the trainee performed as indicated
on the grade sheet. At this time the board chair should review the grading of each area. If
there is significant grading variation (such as one examiner gives a 3.6 and another gives a
3.0) on the same area, the board chair should discuss this variation in grades with the
board members. Individual grades assigned by the individual board members should be
reviewed to determine the reason for the variation. Significant differences should be
resolved before an overall board grade is assigned. When differences have been resolved,
the grades should be changed on the individual board member grading sheet to reflect the
revised grade. Notation on the board grading sheet should be made to explain the
If remediation is assigned by the board to correct noted deficiencies (a remedial may be
given whether the trainee passes or fails the board), board members should review their
individual question record sheets and assist the oral board chair in determining the required
remedial actions. Remedial actions may vary from minor points discussed with the trainee
directly after the board, or more extensive requirements (formal remediation that is tracked
and evaluated). The specific remedial action plans should be developed by the trainee's
training organization and approved by line management. The training organization should
document and track all remedial actions that the trainee has been assigned.
5.4 Performance Demonstrations and Operational Evaluations
The performance demonstration is used to verify a trainee's ability to safely and correctly
perform a task. Specific guidelines for trainee and examiner preparations are contained in
the DOE Guide to Good Practices for On-the-Job Training. To prepare for a performance
demonstration, the trainee prepares to perform the task and to answer questions
concerning it. The examiner prepares to evaluate the trainee's performance while he/she
performs the task.
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