| DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Qualification Cards
Other regulatory requirements
The valid task list for the job position
A supply table should be provided at the
front of the workshop room. The supply
Organize the following
table should be organized to allow
supplies on your table:
sufficient writing space and easy access
to the materials. Make sure the space
50 shts 8-1/2"x11" yellow
in front of the walls is clear.
1000 shts 8-1/2"x11" white
4.8 Conducting the Session. After preparations have
been made, the next task is to conduct the
2 black, wide-tipped,
session. There are eight major steps involved in
permanent markers that do
conducting a successful TTTD session. The
not bleed through paper
steps are listed below.
1 pkg non-marking putty
1 box push pins or thumb
Orient the team (if necessary).
1 roll of Post-it tape
Design the training program structure.
2 pencils (with erasers)
2 ink pens
Place the tasks within the training program
Prioritize the topics.
Determine the course content.
Identify any additional content.
Identify applicable existing training.
Write terminal and enabling objectives.
While this segment provides a "step-by-step" process for completing the design
process, understand that the "steps" are meant to provide more of a "suggested"
model to follow rather than a rigid step-by-step process. While it is true that some
steps must take place before others (for instance, Step 1 "Orient the Team", must be
done first), many steps can be completed out of order, or even while another step is
taking place. For instance, "Identify Possible Existing Training" can be performed at
almost any time during the process after the team has been oriented. To complete
"Design the Training Program Structure," later work in "Place the Tasks on the Training
Program Structure" may be considered. Thus, these steps may be completed
concurrently. Therefore, the process outlined is meant to provide a loose model of
how the process should proceed and not a rigid outline. Because the needs of
workers and a facility affect the design of a training program, each process may
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