| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
NGT or brainstorming can be used as a team, or the team
may be split up into smaller groups and have each group
take a different procedure. Then get back together as one
team to review and discuss each group's results and come
to consensus. Both methods may be used in order to
incorporate variety in the process so that the activity does
not get tedious for the team members.
Determine Content from the Steps. Direct team members to
look at the first step to determine what content should be
taught about the particular step in order for a worker to
complete it. Some possible questions to stimulate their
thoughts are:
What would a person need to know to complete this
step that the procedure does not explain?
Is there anything that could go wrong when performing
this step that the procedure itself does not identify and
should be taught?
Is there any information missing from the step in which
the worker should be trained that would fall in one of the
following areas:
Administrative knowledge
Theory requirements
Interactions with other equipment or systems
Interactions with other personnel
Use NGT and/or brainstorming to identify the content.
Repeat the process with each step until complete.
Evaluate the Final List. Once the content is identified, there are
several questions the facilitator should ask to guide the team in
evaluating the content. The facilitator should have the team
evaluate whether all possible content has been identified that
will train the worker on the task. To determine this, the
facilitator should ask a question similar to the following:
Looking at this list of content, is there anything else you can
think of that you want to include as content for this step?
Also, the facilitator should ensure that the content that has been
identified is not already taught somewhere else. To avoid
redundancy in the program, the facilitator should ask the
following question:
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