| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
analysis, brainstorming, and traditional task analysis. Usually,
combinations of these methods will be necessary depending upon the
situation. Determine the most appropriate method based on the criteria
listed under each method below. Understand that the following list of
methods is not exhaustive. If there is another method that would be
beneficial to the situation, employ it. The goal is to use methods that will
most efficiently and effectively accomplish the goal of analyzing the
content of the chosen topic.
a. Document Analysis. Document analysis is one method that can be
used to determine the content of a training program, course, or lesson
using information obtained directly from operating documents. The
goal of this method is to extract knowledge and skill requirements
directly from process documents. Once the content is determined,
learning objectives can be written. The analysis process is explained
below along with several guidelines and techniques a facilitator
should keep in mind.
For a task-based training system, a key document for analysis is
the operating procedure. An operating procedure is a document
that lists the steps for accomplishing work. The discussion below
assumes the use of an operating procedure. Similar guidelines
and techniques could apply to the analysis of other types of
Before starting the process, ensure that each team member has
a copy of the procedure for which the training content will be
Verify the Usability of the Procedure. Determine the usability
of the procedure by asking the team questions such as:
Does this procedure reflect how the job is currently
being performed?
If the answer is "yes," the procedure can be used to
determine training content. Write the title of the procedure at
the top of the flipchart. If the answer is "no," the procedure
will not be useful and document analysis should not be used.
If they answer that the procedure is partially correct,
document analysis can be used; however, the facilitator will
need to guide the team in identifying steps in the procedure
that do not apply, and should guide the team in determining
what new content should be added or changed that would
reflect the correct performance of the task. While performing
document analysis, ask questions such as:
What content would you include that would address
recent changes that have occurred in the task?
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