| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Establish Dates for Process and Follow-on Activities. When selecting the
date for the TTTD process, keep in mind that it may take 60-90 days to finish
all coordinator responsibilities. When seeking management's approval, ask if
they have suggestions for dates that would best accommodate potential team
members (shift schedules, scheduled outages, etc.).
Select the Facilitator. Regardless of where the facilitator is from, the
facilitator's role is that of a process expert who facilitates the process but
does not provide technical input for training content. The facilitator must be
open to trying a new concept of analysis (the one built into this process) and
have technical expertise in all phases of the systematic approach to training.
Facilitators should also have some knowledge of the job or they could be led
down the wrong path unknowingly.
When selecting the facilitator(s), carefully compare the candidate with the
checklist of interpersonal and facilitation skills on the next page. Instructional
Technologists in the training departments usually have the necessary
experience and skills to facilitate this training design process.
Interpersonal Skills Needed by Facilitator
A sensitivity for others
The ability to show empathy
The ability to establish and
A sense of humor
maintain enthusiasm
The ability to make decisions
Excellent listening skills
The ability to display and
The ability to display warmth and
maintain a positive image
establish rapport quickly with
A high degree of sensitivity
to both verbal and nonverbal
- The ability to motivate,
and focus team members
Excellent memory
Facilitation Skills Required of Facilitator
- Expertise in the systematic approach to training
- Experience using the training design process built into this process
- Skill in questioning techniques
- The ability to act as a process expert who leads and controls the process
allows team members to act as content experts who make content
and decisions
- Skill in small-group dynamics
- Skill using nominal group technique
- Skill in obtaining small-group consensus
- The ability to establish and maintain the team's pace, balance, and
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