| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95 Safety Analyst/Engineer
Training Personnel
Qualifications. The safety
analyst/engineer should be selected
based on his or her knowledge of
1. Responsible for developing
how the facility systems are
the training program
designed and familiarity with the
(lesson plans, OJT guides,
facility's Safety Analysis Report or
exams, etc.)
equivalent. The safety
2. Capable of facilitating the
representative must also be familiar
content analysis/design
with the tasks involved in the job
process with the team until
position being analyzed and have a
the process is complete
good working relationship with the
(may take up to 1-3 days
job incumbents.
after the 3-day process)
3. Aware of the status of any Training Personnel Qualifications.
existing training taking
The training personnel who will be
place and of the settings
responsible for developing the
available at the facility
training program must also be in
4. Capable of facilitating
attendance throughout the entire
without directing team
process. In fact, they will be
members in content
responsible for facilitating portions
of the 3-day process and for
finishing any remaining training
design steps. The product of this
process will serve as the trainer's input for the development phase of the
systematic approach to training.
In addition to the technical competence required of the SMEs, supervisor,
safety analyst, and the training staff, all team members must possess
interpersonal skills:
Interpersonal Skills Required by All Team Members
The ability and willingness to clearly describe the knowledge and skills required to
perform their jobs (N/A for trainers)
The skill of listening respectfully to the views of others and participating effectively in
group discussions without dominating or being dominated
A disposition not prone to overreacting to criticism or to having their contributions
analyzed or reorganized
A disposition of a team player who believes in the process and wants to participate in
the process (this excludes people who are "sent" without explanation or are simply
assigned by their supervisor to "fill a seat" on the team)
The ability to be open-minded and free from biases related to training methods, training
time, and trainee qualifications
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