| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Maximizing Team Effectiveness
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
b. The next person states one suggestion,
and so on until all persons have made
one suggestion.
Then the first person states a second
suggestion from his/her list, etc.
d. If a person suggests something from his
or her list, the next person should state a
different suggestion or "pass."
e. This process continues until all team
members have had an opportunity to
exhaust their list.
3. Discuss/clarify ideas
4. Combine ideas as appropriate
(10 min into lesson)
B. Exercise
REFER participants to
Workbook page 6.
1. Explain that the purpose of this exercise is to
illustrate how the NGT/CDM process works.
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