| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Maximizing Team Effectiveness
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
2. Explain that the instructor will ask a question.
Each person should work alone, without
communicating, to write down as many task
statements (answers to the question) as
possible, with each statement containing:
an action verb
a noun (object of the action)
4-5 words maximum
SHOW: TTTD Team-O-5,
3. Start the exercise by ASKING: What do
Exercise Directions.
people do in the morning between the time
they wake up until they get to work?
In a light-hearted manner,
discourage any social
4. Allow 1 minute of quiet time for participants
to write down their task statements.
5. In a round robin, ask each person to state
one of the task statements they wrote.
Do this quickly without
Record their answers on the flipchart.
allowing participants to
comment on the viability of
the task statements
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