| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Overview of Table-Top Training Design
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
1. Instructor's Name
ENSURE name is visible
2. Participant Materials
3. Participant Comfort
ELIMINATE distractions
B. Motivator
1. In this process we want to help you build the
structure and content of a training program that
you will be proud to call your own.
2. The obvious "goals" for your training program
WRITE these goals on a
might be:
flipchart in advance and
REFER to them now
a. To teach job incumbents the knowledge
and skills required for competent job
b. To design the most efficient training
program possible.
To build the most effective training
program possible.
3. However, the training program should also
help resolve any human performance problems
toward which you may have noticed a trend.
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