| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
E. Participant Materials
Your workbook provides you with information
that will help you understand the terms and
concepts involved in training design.
1. The Lesson Section is labeled with the
REFER participants to
name of the lesson. Use this section to
the Overview section.
follow along during the lesson. Feel free to
write ideas or take notes during the process.
2. The Handout Section is labeled as "H" tab.
REFER participants to
It provides space for the handouts that you
the Overview-H tab.
will be provided during the course of each
Each handout has an individual number
assigned. For example: TTTD Overview-H-
1 indicates the name of the process, the title
of the lesson, the handout section, and the
number of the handout.
F. Roles
Transition: We will use a team approach this
week to analyze the tasks and design your
training program. Within the team, different
people have different roles.
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