| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
management levels. The facilitator's discussions with management should
Purpose of Process. Explain that during the TTTD process, facility
personnel can facilitate the analysis and design processes, while at the
same time teaching facility training staff how to conduct the process.
Who Needs to be Involved. Explain
that this process should involve the
Possible People to Contact
people described in Step 3 below,
who must be allowed to participate
1. Management for approval of
for the entire time. Managers
participation as Coordinator
should suggest potential team
members based on the team
2. Operating organization(s)
member qualifications listed in
management can release
Step 3. The SMEs, supervisor, and
expert job incumbents and
safety analyst must be experts (not
their supervisors for
just bodies to fill a position on the
participation in this process
team) so the process will be
successful and ensure an effective
3. Safety organization to
training program.
release a safety analyst who
understands the safety
Agenda. Explain that the
implications involved
introduction and overview of the
process will take place on the first
4. Training organization
morning and should last until lunch.
management responsible for
The workshop begins right after
the associated training
lunch. The amount of time spent
on the workshop depends on the
needs of the facility.
Involving Staff in the Planning Process.
Whenever a coordinator conducts activities that may affect others at a facility
as TTTD may, the coordinator should involve those people who are likely to
be affected by or concerned with the resulting changes. Involving these
people elicits their understanding and support of the process, which is vital for
changes to take place as a result of TTTD. When planning for a TTTD
session at a facility, the coordinator should try to involve the following: (a)
managers, (b) instructional staff, and (c) support personnel.
Facility managers whose people will be used on the team should be informed
of the TTTD process, its benefits, and the reasons for selecting specific
people for the team. These managers should also be aware of the
coordinator's plans in order to approve the time schedule, budget, personnel
involved, and job selected.
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