| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Since the results of TTTD are going to be used as the basis for developing or
improving instructional products, facility instructional staff should become
involved in the process. The instructional staff should send representatives to
observe the process and take notes. The discussions that take place among
the team members can be beneficial to the instructors.
The instructional staff may also act as coordinators, facilitators, or as sources
of information to help identify program areas needing development.
Select Team Members. The quality of team interactions and thus the end
product--the training program content--will depend heavily on the people
selected to participate in this process. These people must be included on the
2-5 SMEs (those job incumbents in the position who are considered "role
models" for safe, competent performance).
1 person who directly supervises the job incumbents in the job.
1 safety analyst who understands the design of facility systems and the
impact on safety that these job incumbents have.
1-5 training people who are responsible for developing the subsequent
training program.
2 facilitators (one facilitator should act as a recorder when not actively
1 coordinator who will arrange the process.
In addition, the following people may also be invited to attend as observers:
1-5 observers from the facility training department who want to learn how
to conduct this process for other job positions.
1-2 procedure writers may benefit by observing to document any changes
required in job-related procedures.
NOTE: If your facility has used a Table-Top Job Analysis Process to
develop the valid list of tasks selected for training, it would be most
effective if you invited the same job incumbents and supervisor to
participate in the TTTD process. Team Member Qualifications. Using input from management, select
team members based on the qualifications described below.
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