| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
the tasks they perform in "simplified" ways since they have been
performing them for years. The facilitator can compensate for
this tendency by reminding the SMEs to assume the perspective
of a new-hire--keeping in mind that what is "simple" to the SMEs
because of many hours of repeating the procedure will most
likely seem very difficult to a new-hire who has never performed
the specific task. For this reason, a question like the following
can be helpful:
Look at the procedure from the perspective of a new-hire.
Have you included all the content you believe they would
need to be taught in order to adequately perform the task?
What else would you include?
The Skills of the Facilitator. The skills of the facilitator will also
affect the validity of the final content. A good facilitator will keep
in mind the above factors about the quality of the procedure and
the expertise of the SMEs. A good facilitator also knows the end
product he or she wants the group to achieve, can communicate
that end product to the team in a way that is understandable,
and can draw out appropriate information (using questioning
skills, etc.) in order to lead the team in obtaining that end
product. A good facilitator observes the group dynamics taking
place and varies the analysis methods and approaches as
needed. For instance: Are all members participating? Are a
select few dominating the discussion? Is constructive dialogue
taking place that leads to valid content? Is information being
thrown out haphazardly and assumed to be correct? Is group
consensus taking place? Is there dissension regarding final
decisions? The facilitator must help the group to understand
and achieve the group dynamics that will assure the quality of
the end product.
b. Brainstorming. Simple brainstorming (or brainstorming using NGT) is
another method to determine the content of a training program, course, or
lesson. Brainstorming should be used when the SMEs are very familiar
with the task, the procedure is inadequate, or there is not a procedure
Most of the questions, processes, and guidelines that applied to
document analysis apply to brainstorming as well. However, when
brainstorming, procedures will not provide a great amount of the
content (as in document analysis), so much more detailed content
information should be obtained from the SMEs about the task or
task-group. Simply take the task or task groupings one at a time in
the order that they have been prioritized. Place them before the
SMEs and ask them many of the same questions that were asked for
document analysis such as:
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