| DOE-HDBK-1086-95
If I were going to teach this task to someone, what do they need
to know in order to perform this task?
What would a developer need to include in the training material
on this task to ensure that a trainee will be trained to perform the
task safely and according to established standards?
What do you wish you had been taught about the task when you
were first trained?
Should the worker be trained in any of the following areas:
Administrative knowledge
Theory requirements
Interactions with other equipment or systems
Interactions with other personnel
Safety considerations
Write the content on a flipchart. When the SMEs feel they have
exhausted all content possibilities, tape the task statement or
statements to the content page for the developer's later use.
Proceed with each prioritized task until content has been determined
for all tasks. Encourage the SMEs to continue to think about
possible content areas for tasks even though they may feel they have
exhausted all content possibilities. Additional content can be added
throughout the process.
c. Traditional Analysis. Occasionally, traditional analysis methods for
determining content must be employed. Traditional analysis methods
should be used when the SMEs are very unfamiliar with the task, and do
not have a good procedure written for it.
Again, most of the questions, processes, and guidelines that applied
to document analysis and brainstorming apply to traditional analysis
as well. However, when using traditional analysis, you will want to
break the task down into its elements, and the elements into the
knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) needed to perform the
elements. As with the other methods, simply take the task or task
groupings one at a time in the order in which they have been
prioritized. Place them before the SMEs and ask them many of the
same questions that were asked for document analysis such as:
What do you do first? second? etc.
For what tools\equipment does an incumbent need training?
What knowledge does an incumbent need to perform this task?
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