| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1092-98
jacketed with an extruded moisture-, flame-, oil-, corrosion-, fungus-, and sunlight-resistant
nonmetallic material.
Show window--Any window used or designed to be used for the display of goods or advertising
material, whether it is fully or partly enclosed or entirely open at the rear and whether or not it has
a platform raised higher than the street floor level.
Sign--See "Electric Sign."
Signaling circuit--Any electric circuit that energizes signaling equipment.
Special permission--The written consent of the authority having jurisdiction.
Storable swimming or wading pool--A pool with a maximum dimension of 15 feet and a maximum
wall height of 3 feet and is so constructed that it may be readily disassembled for storage and
reassembled to its original integrity.
Switchboard--A large single panel, frame, or assembly of panels which have switches, buses,
instruments, overcurrent and other protective devices mounted on the face or back or both.
Switchboards are generally accessible from the rear as well as from the front and are not intended
to be installed in cabinets. (See "Panelboard.")
General-use switch--A switch intended for use in general distribution and branch circuits. It is rated
in amperes, and it is capable of interrupting its rated current at its rated voltage.
General-use snap switch--A form of general-use switch so constructed that it can be installed in
flush device boxes or on outlet box covers, or otherwise used in conjunction with wiring systems
recognized by this subpart.
Isolating switch--A switch intended for isolating an electric circuit from the source of power. It has
no interrupting rating, and it is intended to be operated only after the circuit has been opened by
some other means.
operating overload current of a motor of the same horsepower rating as the switch at the rated
Switching devices--(Over 600 volts, nominal.) Devices designed to close and/or open one or more
electric circuits. Included in this category are circuit breakers, cutouts, disconnecting (or isolating)
switches, disconnecting means, interrupter switches, and oil (filled) cutouts.
Transportable X-ray--X-ray equipment installed in a vehicle or that may readily be disassembled
for transport in a vehicle.
Utilization equipment--Utilization equipment means equipment which utilizes electric energy for
mechanical, chemical, heating, lighting, or similar useful purpose.
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