| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1092-98
Utilization system--A utilization system is a system which provides electric power and light for
employee workplaces, and includes the premises wiring system and utilization equipment.
Ventilated--Provided with a means to permit circulation of air sufficient to remove an excess of heat,
fumes, or vapors.
Volatile flammable liquid--A flammable liquid having a flash point below 38 degrees C (100
degrees F) or whose temperature is above its flash point.
Voltage (of a circuit)--The greatest root-mean-square (effective) difference of potential between
any two conductors of the circuit concerned.
Voltage, nominal--A nominal value assigned to a circuit or system for the purpose of conveniently
designating its voltage class (as 120/240, 480Y/277, 600, etc.). The actual voltage at which a circuit
operates can vary from the nominal within a range that permits satisfactory operation of equipment.
Voltage to ground--For grounded circuits, the voltage between the given conductor and that point
or conductor of the circuit that is grounded; for ungrounded circuits, the greatest voltage between the
given conductor and any other conductor of the circuit.
Watertight--So constructed that moisture will not enter the enclosure.
Weatherproof--So constructed or protected that exposure to the weather will not interfere with
successful operation. Rainproof, raintight, or watertight equipment can fulfill the requirements for
weatherproof where varying weather conditions other than wetness, such as snow, ice, dust, or
temperature extremes, are not a factor.
Wet location--See "Location."
Wireways--Wireways are sheet-metal troughs with hinged or removable covers for housing and
protecting electric wires and cable and in which conductors are laid in place after the wireway has
been installed as a complete system.
Affected employee--An employee whose job requires him or her to operate or use a machine or
equipment on which servicing or maintenance is being performed under lockout or tagout, or whose
job requires him or her to work in an area in which such servicing or maintenance is being performed.
Attendant--An employee assigned to remain immediately outside the entrance to an enclosed or
other space to render assistance as needed to employees inside the space.
Authorized employee--An employee who locks out or tags out machines or equipment in order to
perform servicing or maintenance on that machine or equipment. An affected employee becomes an
authorized employee when that employee's duties include performing servicing or maintenance
covered under this section.
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